Expanding the BMEM Framework (Behaviour, Motivation, Emotions, Mechanics)

BMEM Header 1 Expanding the BMEM Framework Behaviour Motivation Emotions Mechanics

Designing Gamified Systems with Emotional Depth

Gamification is far more than sprinkling points and leaderboards over a system and hoping for the best. Real success lies in crafting meaningful experiences that connect with users on a deeper level. That’s where the BMEM FrameworkBehaviour, Motivation, Emotion, and Mechanics—comes into play. It provides a robust foundation for designing systems that not only engage and entertain but also inspire and resonate.

This guide explores the framework in its entirety and delves deeply into how each element integrates with the others. By connecting Behaviour, Motivation, Emotion, and Mechanics, you’ll create systems that truly matter. Read More ...

Some AI Insights into the HEXAD User Types

File 6bE6cpxrTmWciBkTZ6k4wY Some AI Insights into the HEXAD User Types

I recently downloaded the latest response stats for the HEXAD 12 User Types test, and fed them into ChatGPT to analyse. I thought it was very interesting what came back, and it supported what I had observed in the past – so thought I would share it here!

1. Gender-Based Trends


  • Predominantly align with Socialiser and Philanthropist types, indicating a strong preference for community engagement and altruistic behaviors.
  • The dominance of Socialiser decreases slightly in older age groups, replaced by Philanthropist, reflecting a shift toward purpose-driven motivations.


  • Tend to exhibit Achiever and Player traits, emphasizing goal-oriented behaviors, competitions, and extrinsic rewards.
  • Achiever remains a strong motivator across all age groups for males, with Player peaking in younger users and declining over time.

2. Age Group Dominance

Younger Users (18–29):

  • Continue to show higher prevalence of Free Spirit traits, reflecting a desire for autonomy, exploration, and creative freedom.
  • Player traits are also slightly stronger in this age group, indicating the appeal of rewards and achievements early in life.

Older Users (30–49):

  • Display more balanced traits, with notable increases in Philanthropist motivations, suggesting a shift toward altruism and purpose-driven engagement.
  • Achiever remains prominent, indicating continued goal-oriented behavior.

3. Gender and Age Interaction

Younger Females (18–20):

  • Exhibit strong Socialiser and Philanthropist tendencies, valuing relationships, community, and purpose.
  • Free Spirit is also significant, reflecting creativity and independence.

Older Males (30–49):

  • Demonstrate higher inclinations toward Achiever and Free Spirit, focusing on mastery, autonomy, and personal growth.

4. Players Are Reward-Oriented but Underrepresented

  • Player remains one of the least dominant traits across all groups but is more pronounced in younger users (18–20), aligning with early-stage life goals and aspirations.
  • This suggests that gamified reward systems may resonate well with younger users but require a balanced approach for older demographics.

5. Philanthropists Increase with Age Read More ...

Gamification, Game Mechanics and Game Dynamics – The Trouble with Language

Game Mechanics Gamification Game Mechanics and Game Dynamics 8211 The Trouble with Language

One of the key issues facing gamification as it moves defiantly into its mid-teens is a lack of consistency and interoperability of the language used to describe it. The first and most obvious example of this is the lack of anything resembling an agreement on a definition of gamification. Wikipedia seems to change pretty regularly, and almost every gamification expert out there has their own version. Very few like the Wikipedia version either; “The use of game elements in non-game contexts” being the most popular. Don’t get me wrong; I love Sebastian Deterding, and the definition fits the original meaning of gamification, but things moved on a little, or at least I hope they did. Read More ...

What’s Your Biggest Gamification Challenge? (And Episode 3 of the podcast is out)

Gennfqfvw48 What 8217 s Your Biggest Gamification Challenge And Episode 3 of the podcast is out

I wanted to ask you guys what you feel your biggest challenge in gamification is? For me, it is getting folks to take gamification as an industry seriously. There are many reasons for this, a lot of which we dive into in the latest Andrzej & Roman Show (Yeah shameless plug)!

Whatever the reason for this may be, it is imperative that you overcome it quickly. I’ve told this story many times, but it is worth repeating. I once sat in a meeting where less than 5 minutes into the presentation, the client just stopped me and said “I hate everything you have said so far. We don’t play games, we are too busy” Read More ...

Introduction to Gamification Part 9: Elements and Mechanics

Intro to Gamification Part 9 Introduction to Gamification Part 9 Elements and Mechanics

Game mechanics are covered in multiple places on this blog, but to continue with the introduction series, I thought I would have a brief revisit here, with less personal opinion than usual (ish)! There are many definitions of game mechanics, but rather than going into those, I will just present the one that I use.

“A distinct set of rules that dictate the outcome of interactions within the system. They have an input, a process and an output.” Read More ...