Some AI Insights into the HEXAD User Types

File 6bE6cpxrTmWciBkTZ6k4wY Some AI Insights into the HEXAD User Types

I recently downloaded the latest response stats for the HEXAD 12 User Types test, and fed them into ChatGPT to analyse. I thought it was very interesting what came back, and it supported what I had observed in the past – so thought I would share it here!

1. Gender-Based Trends


  • Predominantly align with Socialiser and Philanthropist types, indicating a strong preference for community engagement and altruistic behaviors.
  • The dominance of Socialiser decreases slightly in older age groups, replaced by Philanthropist, reflecting a shift toward purpose-driven motivations.


  • Tend to exhibit Achiever and Player traits, emphasizing goal-oriented behaviors, competitions, and extrinsic rewards.
  • Achiever remains a strong motivator across all age groups for males, with Player peaking in younger users and declining over time.

2. Age Group Dominance

Younger Users (18–29):

  • Continue to show higher prevalence of Free Spirit traits, reflecting a desire for autonomy, exploration, and creative freedom.
  • Player traits are also slightly stronger in this age group, indicating the appeal of rewards and achievements early in life.

Older Users (30–49):

  • Display more balanced traits, with notable increases in Philanthropist motivations, suggesting a shift toward altruism and purpose-driven engagement.
  • Achiever remains prominent, indicating continued goal-oriented behavior.

3. Gender and Age Interaction

Younger Females (18–20):

  • Exhibit strong Socialiser and Philanthropist tendencies, valuing relationships, community, and purpose.
  • Free Spirit is also significant, reflecting creativity and independence.

Older Males (30–49):

  • Demonstrate higher inclinations toward Achiever and Free Spirit, focusing on mastery, autonomy, and personal growth.

4. Players Are Reward-Oriented but Underrepresented

  • Player remains one of the least dominant traits across all groups but is more pronounced in younger users (18–20), aligning with early-stage life goals and aspirations.
  • This suggests that gamified reward systems may resonate well with younger users but require a balanced approach for older demographics.

5. Philanthropists Increase with Age Read More ...

Expert’s Warning: Master AI, Data, and Gamification or Risk Going Out of Business in 5 Years!

JLZTCGLE8NBBVv2qqzET 1 zaxo8 2x Expert 8217 s Warning Master AI Data and Gamification or Risk Going Out of Business in 5 Years

Made you look, made you stare, made you mess your underwear!

We have all seen the headlines like “Expert says if you don’t know AI, you won’t be in business next week”. But the truth is, that’s bollocks.

Now, you may not be in as great a shape as those in a similar line of work that do understand AI, but you won’t be out of business if you remember this one simple rule. People make a business.

The truth is that most people don’t even understand what any of this stuff is. AI isn’t AI for the most part, it is just clever algorithms (even ChatGTP agrees with me there – see the end of this post). Very few people really understand data and big data, they just think it is Google Analytics. Even fewer seem to understand Gamification still, relying on parlour tricks rather than good game and behaviour-based design. Read More ...

NightCafe: A Great Example of Using Points

26pMHtZXG8wh8m5lR9Po 1 andmn 6x 1 NightCafe A Great Example of Using Points

Points and gamification have a love-hate relationship – especially when you are talking about using points to incentivize creative endeavors over rote tasks.

I am not artistic, in any way shape, or form. However, the advent of AI-based art means that I have a way to get the images in my head onto a virtual canvas by doing something I am good at – talking. As long as I am descriptive enough, I can bend AI to my will (ish) and create the things that are in my head finally.

I’ve tried loads of sites to create are, but I keep coming back to NightCafe, not because it is the best, but because it is the one that offers me the best chance to create what I am thinking about and has some fun thrown it. Let me explain. Read More ...

5 Common Mistakes in Gamification and How to Fix Them – The Science of Gamification

Pbb5rpegpda 5 Common Mistakes in Gamification and How to Fix Them 8211 The Science of Gamification

Gamification is becoming more and more prevalent in the software industry. Many businesses are integrating game mechanics into their customer loyalty programs, websites, and other digital products to drive engagement and increase the adoption of various features. However, while gamification has become commonplace as a trend, it’s not that easy to implement correctly. Many organizations make mistakes when incorporating gaming elements into their products. Let’s take a look at some common pitfalls and how you can avoid them when implementing gamification strategies in your own organization. Read More ...