Learning from Games: Escapism

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As gamification practitioners, we are looking to utilise things that games do really well in areas that could desperately do with being more engaging in some way.

I read somewhere recently that “in games, we are trying to become our best selves” or something similar. I have to say, I only partially agree with that. In some games that is true, but most of the time I am trying to forget who I am and be someone totally different, be they better or worse than the real me. In reality, many games bring out the worst in people as a sort of catharsis! For me, I want to escape from reality, and that is the point. Games provide a way to escape the reality of life. That is why the concept of Uncanny Valley exists, where something that isn’t alive looks uncomfortably close to real. It makes us uneasy. Read More ...

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Take A Step Back Before Going Off the Rails…

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Just a short thought for your today. When building or designing anything, it is very easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and ideas. Introspection is fine, but from time to time you need to step back and just ask yourself a few simple questions;

  • Am I still solving the client’s problem?
  • Am I still staying true to the original vision for the solution
    • If not, why not?
    Is the solution still viable? Is the solution still going to prove valuable to the users as well as the client? Has anyone released a better solution whilst I have been building this one?

    If you are not happy with your answers to any of these questions, then you need to take a moment to consider how you are going to fix that before moving on.

    Blundering on blindly, even though you know there are things you are not happy with, will not lead you to a solution you are proud of or that your client will truly find valuable. Read More ...

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No Black Friday Sale Here

No sale No Black Friday Sale Here

Rather than try to coerce you to purchase my stuff by devaluing it, I thought I would just remind you of some of the cool stuff I have on sale around here!

Even Ninja Monkeys Like to Play: Unicorn Edition

Here is a free chapter! “How to Use Narrative to Create
Deeper Experiences

Gamification Inspiration Cards

You can get the gamification inspiration cards in two ways. You can buy them as a physical deck here – https://www.drivethrucards.com/product/130329/Gamification-Inspiration-Cards–Full-Colour


You can download them directly from me, with a printable PDF (8 per page of A4) and all cards as PNG images. Read More ...

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The Number One Mistake in Gamification Design

Error 1536917247 The Number One Mistake in Gamification Design

Ok, so this is going to polarise you guys a little, but MY number one mistake in gamification design, as I personally see it…

Designing the solution that you want rather than what the client needs. Note I am saying what the client needs not what they want

When designing a solution, it is easy to get caught up in how cool and how fun it can be. Then you start to work on great designs that you love. You take them to the client and you start to explain why your idea and design is absolutely the best solution. Soon you are building your personal pet project, rather than actually solving the problems the client had. Read More ...

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Where Does Your Loyalty Lie?

Turner loyalty Where Does Your Loyalty Lie

I recently wrote a blog for the poor people who employ me, all about the future of loyalty. It got me thinking about the nature of loyalty, something I have not really thought about since my 2015 talk at GWC.

Rather than looking into the future though, my thoughts turned to where do people’s loyalties lie. More specifically, are they loyal to your company or to your loyalty card?

If I look at two loyalty programs, you may see what I am getting at. The two are Nectar and Tesco.

Tesco Loyalty Card Read More ...

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